New Tech Mobility - A Personal Mobility Company
New Tech Mobility provides unique, user-friendly mobility devices to help you NOT give up but, instead… GET OUT!
New Tech Mobility is a Phoenix, AZ based personal mobility company founded and operated by Doug and Dorene Mykol. They are the driving force behind New Tech Mobility. Doug Mykol’s many years of experience as a full-time wheelchair user, has provided a deeper understanding and appreciation of the needs of those with mobility issues.
We know you have a story, too. Here’s Doug’s-
Doug was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) in 2006. As his walking worsened, he began using canes, progressed to using a walker and, after finally realizing “we only have so much fuel in the tank each day,” began test driving a wide variety of power chairs about ten years ago. Doug was picky! He demanded a well-made device that wasn’t big and bulky AND didn’t look all “medically”. He wanted something with a definite “Cool Factor”.
“They all reduced my daily fatigue and pain, but even more importantly… they reduced the falls!”
In Doug’s Words
I knew I needed and wanted more functions, more user-friendly features, and more style. My search for a mobility chair that fit me and my needs began.
After a year of serious searching and testing different scooters and power wheelchairs, I found the WHILL (even before it came to the U.S. market!). I followed its progress, pushed to buy a WHILL, and, in fact, was one of the first U.S. buyers.
After a very short time test driving my new wheels, I felt my new WHILL fit my needs for mobility AND it fit my ego for style. It is a beautiful design… NOT big, bulky, ugly and “medical-looking”, like most chairs! I’ve been using and Test Driving a wide variety of personal mobility devices for 8+ years. I’ve now found several that I can label “Doug Approved”.
I knew there were other individuals like me who also would benefit from this unique electric mobility chair and, like me, didn’t want the limitations and the look of the big, bulky, “medical-looking” chairs. I knew they were searching for a solution, just as I had done. New Tech Mobility was formed with the goal of only selling and servicing mobility devices that DIDN’T look all “medically” and had a definite “cool factor!” Since our beginnings, we have found several other unique mobility devices and daily living aids that actually work and lets you experience more life on your terms!
Why New Tech Mobility?
After our testing of many chairs, we’ve chosen to exclusively sell beautifully designed and extremely well-built devices that help people experience and live life as it should be lived… without limitations!
Many of our products hold international design and technology awards. They incorporate modern technology, great engineering, beautiful designs, AND include many user features unavailable with most other devices.
New Tech Mobility provides showroom and in-home Test Drives, sales and service throughout Arizona.
We strive to make it easy for our customers to Test Drive a variety of quality devices, to find exactly the right fit for you, your home and your lifestyle. We are well known for our “Raving Fan” level customer service.

"Maybe it was ego or self-consciousness... I felt uncomfortable in a standard, medical looking power chair. Always on the hunt for something new and high-tech, I discovered the WHILL. With its unique design, futuristic style, intuitive function and unbelievable capabilities, I immediately felt better about being in a chair."
~ Doug Mykol
"Needing personal mobility assistance does not mean it can't be done with ease and style. Since 2006, I have watched my husband, Doug, stay positive and pursue finding a "cool" mobility chair for his long distance needs. He found the WHILL and now has a chair that is simple, unique and classy. Who says getting older can't be better?"
~ Dorene Mykol